Our Privacy Policy can be found here.


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Whilst Life Financial Services uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information published on this website is complete, accurate and current at the date of publication, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of such information. Life Financial Services cannot accept any responsibility (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in reliance on, any information appearing on this website or any other website to which it may be linked. Life Financial Services makes no warranty that this site is free from errors, defects or viruses. Nothing on this website shall be deemed to constitute financial advice and in the event that you wish to have any such advice, you should contact a financial advisor.


Copyright Notice

The entire contents of this website remains the property of Life Financial Services and is therefore copyrighted with all rights reserved. Replication and/or distribution of any or all of the contents of this site are prohibited. You may print out, save or download individual selections for your own personal, private and non-commercial use. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), decompile, disassemble, modify, or transmit or use for any commercial purpose whatsoever any information from this website without Life Financial Services prior written consent.


Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to change any of the Terms and Conditions (whether contained in these Terms and Conditions or in any other Terms and Conditions contained on any other pages on this site) at any time. It is your responsibility to visit the Terms and Conditions of this site on a regular basis to ascertain whether any amendments to these Terms and Conditions or to any other Terms and Conditions on areas of this site have been made. If you do not agree to amendments made, you should immediately cease to use this site.


Privacy Notice

The privacy Notice set out on this site forms part of these Terms and Conditions. We are committed to protecting your privacy and the Privacy Notice summarises what we do with the data that we collect from you. Any changes to the Privacy Notice will be posted on the Privacy Notice page.


Limitation of liability

Neither we nor any of our sister, parent or subsidiary companies will be liable to you, whether for negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise, for any direct, indirect or consequential damage (including without limitation, goodwill, loss of profit, business opportunity or anticipated savings), suffered by you as a result of your use of the site or of any information, materials, software or services provided on or through it or downloaded from it, or your inability to use this site, any error in the provision of this site or any computer virus transmitted through this site.


Links to other sites

Within the site you may find links or references to third party materials and third party websites outside this site. We should not be taken to endorsing, publishing, permitting or authorising such sites or materials. We are not a party to, or responsible for, any transaction concerning goods or services available from such third party websites.



The advertising on this site does not constitute any part of an offer or contract. You should not rely on the statements in such advertising as statements or representations of fact – you should carry out your own checks as to the suitability of such adverts.



The Life Financial Services is registered in England, registered number is 09848868. Registered office at:- One Station Square, Bracknell RG12 1QB


Law and Jurisdiction

The Terms & Conditions and any matter relating to this site shall be governed by English law and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of them.


Our Policies and other helpful documents: